


父亲曾经对我说过:“生活要稳定,不要太追求眼前的利益。”而Uncle Uncle则总是笑着告诉我:“如果不去尝试,那么永远不知道自己能达到什么高度。”


随着时间的推移,两个人的生活状态也逐渐展现出了明显的差异。父亲安逸地享受他的退休生活,而Uncle Uncle却因为业务上的挑战而整日忙碌。他常常会因为一些特殊菜肴或者新颖的经营策略而感到激动。

Father always says that the key to a happy life is stability and security, while Uncle believes that taking risks and pursuing one's passion is what truly makes life worth living.


虽然在外人看来,Uncle's life might seem more exciting, but Father has his own happiness. He enjoys his leisure time with family and friends, traveling to places he’s always wanted to go.

Uncle also appreciates the joy of running his own business, even though it comes with its fair share of challenges. He loves seeing customers enjoy the food he prepares and hearing their compliments on his creations.


As I look back on my childhood memories, I realize that both Father and Uncle have taught me valuable lessons in their own ways. Father showed me the importance of hard work and financial security, while Uncle inspired me to chase my dreams no matter how impossible they may seem.

In the end, it doesn't matter which path one chooses as long as it leads them to happiness. And for me, being able to see both sides of the coin has been a blessing in itself.

The story of "uncles big or dads big" serves as a reminder that there are many different paths we can take in life. Each person must find what works best for them based on their unique experiences and values.
