




14.,首先排除一切不可能,然后剩下的,即使再离奇也不易置信,也必定是不可争辩的事实,或许剩下几种解释,只要逐一加以验证,将其证明为唯一充分根据支持的情形即可15.,对伟大人物来说,每件事都不微不足道16.,人类渺小,但工作至关重要17.,世间万物如同链条;我们只要看到其中一环,便可知全局18.,如果我能为社会消灭莫里亚蒂这个祸害,那么我愿意结束我的侦探生涯。我可以说,我完全没有虚度此生。如果我生命旅程到目前止,我也可以问心无愧地视死如归。( www.lz13.cn)

19,如果毁灭你能保证社会利益,即便与你同归于尽,我也甘愿20.,既然道义上合适,那么只有考虑个人风险的问题。如果一个女士急需帮助,一名绅士不会过多顾及自身安危21,华生,我从未恋爱过。不过,如果曾经恋爱过,如果我爱的人遭遇悲剧,或许我会像那位目无法纪猎手那样行动谁知道呢22,只要时间允许,没有什么事情做不到23,华生老兄,这真是变幻莫测时代里的固定时刻。这股风将刮起东风,这种风在英国还从未出现过。这股风很冷很强烈,它将刮走许多人。但这仍旧是上帝的手24.愚蠢虽愚蠢,有更愚蠢的人为他们鼓掌25.头脑是我一切身体只是附属品26.魔术师一旦揭露自己的把戏,他就会失去他人的赞赏;若把我的方法讲得太多,你就会发现福尔摩斯不过是个普通人物27.you are looking at it while I am observing it - there is a great difference28.if you know every detail of a thousand cases but cannot crack the first one thousand and one case then something must be wrong29,you say we move around the sun but even if we orbited the moon this would make no difference to me or my work30.humility and pride are both in conflict with reality31.i have decided to stand on the side of the criminal not on that of the victim32.events that seem impossible to explain are often easily solved; it's those crimes that look ordinary yet mysterious which prove most difficult33.don't waste time explaining facts theoretically; complement your theory with factually sound explanations and slowly unravel them34.no matter how perfectly planned a crime may seem if humanly done there is always an explanation35.yes i was born for freedom but also for action i often think of goethe's words - "god only created man as his outer shell dignified in appearance base in nature"36.even seemingly beautiful fields may hide terrifying secrets what about those dirty alleys in london37.when all possibilities fail look for what seems insignificant38.as a detective i am the final appeal court39.this is a problem requiring three pints of smoke40.the mystery of life is beyond any brain's imagination41.many hanged men died unjustly42.you possess an outstanding talent for silence dr watson having you as my partner makes things much more interesting43.a doctor gone astray becomes an exceptional criminal because he has both courage and knowledge44.since moriarty s death london has become as dull as possible45.with newspapers you can do anything dr watson newspapers are very valuable tools46.dr watson this isn t your line not physical but psychological47.london is dull newspaper dull bigamy seems extinct48.on deception i could write a treatise49.whatever complex crime may be people always seek some explanation50.a true artist finds greatest pleasure from most unimportant & ordinary forms