








segment-ai: A 57-year-old woman from Wangqiao Town, Xiangyuan County, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province. She is the party branch secretary and village committee director of Fuben Village.

In 1998, Segment-ai married into Fuben Village. To improve her life, she borrowed money to start a charcoal business and earned tens of thousands of yuan in two years. At that time, Fuben Village was a truly poor village with dangerous classrooms for the local school children. Without any formal education herself, Segment-ai decided to use her earnings to build a new school for the village.

In 1999, Segment-ai unexpectedly won election as the village committee director without participating in the candidate selection process.

Upon taking office, Segment-ai invested in building schools and nursing homes for the villagers. Despite being diagnosed with lymphoma and undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy which left her neck severely damaged by then end of last year; she never stopped working or thinking about how she could do more for her community.

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