

离婚女方叫小婷,25岁。今年3月她刚刚与同学小健(化名)登记结婚。我结婚是为了早日摆脱父母的唠叨,我连他的工作地点、收入情况都不清楚。现在想想,当时真是太糊涂了!小婷懊悔地说。 恋爱半年就结婚,结婚9个月就离婚 闪婚闪离老爸老妈全包办 前日,3个50多岁的中年人带着一对20多岁的小夫妻走进了鼓楼区 marriage registration office. 我们孩子要离婚。两个中年人开口向工作人员咨询 divorce procedures. 随后,他们认真地帮孩子填起 divorce agreement, 一旁的小夫妻则在一旁摆弄手机.

采访中,记者得知这对小夫妻结 married less than 10 months ago. Their marital relationship has been mostly lived separately at each other's parents' homes; even the wedding photos and banquets were arranged by their parents. Recently, they broke up and still have their parents handle everything.

Parental pressure pushes girl into flash marriage and separation: The divorced woman, Xiao Ting (pseudonym), is 25 years old. In March this year, she registered her marriage with her classmate Xiao Jian (pseudonym). I got married to escape my parents' nagging; I didn't even know his work location or income situation. Now that I think about it, it was really too silly! Xiao Ting regrets saying.

Originally, after graduating from a vocational college, Xiao Ting's parents constantly introduced her to potential partners to get married quickly. However, Xiao Ting refused these introductions as she was independent-minded and didn't want to follow her parents' arrangements with strangers in school life.

Xiao Ting said that she never had any romantic feelings for Xiao Jian during their time together in school. After graduation, they only kept in touch through QQ messages rarely seeing each other due to avoiding parental matchmaking efforts by getting married quickly before losing opportunities for true love connections later on when meeting new people while abroad studying or working stably after returning home with stable jobs having better living conditions than others but not inferior either compared to family wealth inherited from him especially his mother!

The second time he got married because of pregnancy but miscarriage then left the wife who became close friends with another man at work leading him asking for a divorce within a year after which he met me offering me selling off our property same neighborhood as his parent house an elite school district house all gifts jewelry made sure of it though process influenced by his mom we fought cold war almost wanted abortion but later accepted eventually gave birth two us inseparable back hometown month postpartum changed dramatically affecting both families causing conflict we quarreled misunderstood cold war over hundred days

After half-year postpartum found out he cheated also put pictures taken together in wallet inner pocket hidden away brought back child home two months without fighting instead calmly talking seemingly improving emotions unaware until discovered photo hiding money bag denied second day came up excuses even called witnesses

But third day went again booked hotel room late evening returned thought just chatting flirting chose forgiveness yet next day claimed innocent evidence screenshot chat record sent fast delivery same fragrance bottle twice questioned denied nuclear test lab results confirmed bought himself couldn't admit let alone bring outside so bedhead placed unopened told no seen sawed open lay bedside drawer wouldn't be able removed yesterday ordered same one delivered home asked believed not seen claimed my gift wrapped opened eaten looked late night message no happy ask where flowers planted what flower who gave chocolate who given ate before face scrutinized! How could you think? Should I catch you cheating? @Lukai: Which types of scoundrels must be avoided? 1 Those who rely on women for support 2 Those who don't understand gratitude 3 Completely unable to bear responsibility