
然而,当我走过时,那位只有一只眼的老者突然叫住了我,说:“先生,请留步。” 我微笑着回答:“我可没有钱,你千万别给我算卦,这样太不合算。”


欧阳飞随即插嘴说:“好好好,哥们啊,我们赶紧看看,在什么方向?” 我们俯下身子,一会儿变得十分虔诚。这一年来谁不希望命中桃花呢?尤其是那些单身汉。






于是还和往常一样,日出而息日落而作,一夜和欧阳飞一群狐朋狗友混在三里屯,与世界各国人民齐聚这里。那天饮酒到凌晨,一通电话叫走了欧阳飞,而我一个人又喝了三杯伏特加,加上肚子里的酒足以让我分不清东西南北。我出了酒吧门就想吐,却刚想低头,就有人撞进我的怀里。在醉眼迷朦中,我看见了一张面若桃花的脸。“张曼玉!” I lost my voice.

她怎会半夜在北京? “You're drunk?” She asked me. I shook my head. "I'll send you home," she said with a smile, her eyes sparkling like stars in the night sky.

"Zhang Manju?" I asked again, still confused. She smiled and replied, "No, I'm not Zhang Manju." Then she turned around and walked away, leaving me standing there like a fool.

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to hide under a rock. But then something strange happened. The next day, she showed up at my doorstep with a big smile on her face and said that she had forgotten her phone charger at my place.

I was so happy to see her again that I didn't care about anything else except for spending time with her. We went out on dates and explored the city together, laughing and talking like we were old friends.

But little did I know that this was all part of some bigger plan. As it turned out, she was actually an undercover agent sent by a rival company to gather information about our business strategies!

I couldn't believe it! All this time, we had been living in each other's pockets without any suspicion or doubt! It seemed like fate had brought us together for some unknown reason...

And yet... despite everything that happened... despite the fact that she wasn't who she claimed to be... despite all the lies and deception... somehow.. somewhere deep down inside of me... something clicked...

Perhaps it was because of those long hours spent together exploring the city.. perhaps it was because of those late-night conversations filled with laughter and tears.. perhaps it was just plain old love?

Whatever it may have been... whatever reason behind this unexpected twist in our lives.. one thing is certain: as soon as they took off their mask (literally!), everything changed!

We started dating openly now - no more sneaking around or hiding secrets from each other! And even though things got complicated sometimes due to their undercover work (like when they needed to leave suddenly during dinner), nothing could ever break us apart anymore!

So here we are today - married blissfully ever after while continuing our respective careers & passions; living life fully but always cherishing every moment spent together!