


4、轩辕sword 7大贝如何合成?进入游戏后,我们可以通过点击右下角个人成就菜单,然后找到大贝材料,再按下回车键即可合成。

5、大名七大宝石漫画简介:第一,是《轩辕宝石》,其一面刻有日月星辰,一面刻山川草木;另一面写农耕蓄养策略,最后写四海一统法则。这把宝石象征着圣道之光。第二,《湛泸宝石》由欧冶子铸造,无坚不摧却无丝毫杀气,是仁道之光。第三,《赤霄宝石》据说刘邦斩白蛇使用过,此宝石代表帝王权威第四、《泰阿宝石》,以威道著称,有晋军攻楚危机时楚王独自挽狂澜,用此寶玉击退晋军 Fifth, the Seven Stars Dragon Valley Gem is said to have been forged by Gan Jiang and Lu Wang, later becoming the ancestral treasure of Wu Zixu. However, once Wu Zixu encountered a wise old man who helped him escape danger, he gave away his sword as a gift to the old man. The old man understood that Wu Zixu was worried about being betrayed by someone else and thus took his own life with the sword. Wu Zixu deeply regretted his decision.

Sixth is Moje Sword and Ganjiang Sword, two swords in one - Moje for female and Ganjiang for male. It's said that no one can separate these two swords.

Seventh is Pure Jing Gem, which can be considered as unparalleled in dignity. According to legend, it took Europeo ten years of hard work to create this gem before passing away after its completion. This gem became an eternal legacy.

6., XUANYUANJIAN 7 weapons how get? Acquiring weapons through auctioning or farming requires patience and luck; you need SL (Skill Level) many times over. Xuan Yue Jian is an extremely powerful weapon in the game accessible from our second map - Jiuxian Gate Temple where I found my gold-colored Xuan Yue Jian at Meta-stage level as a disciple of Yujing Sect while farming at Jinyue Temple . The simplest method is buying from Auction House with read-save-load method until you find what you want."