他在背后出轨的20种迹象 1.他比平时更加关心和关注你,尤其是那些他以前没有投入过任何注意力的方面。其实这是他内疚的表现,因为在发生“变心”的最早阶段,其实是一种潜意识的补偿心理,这样主要是让他自己觉得好受点儿。
10.begin to pick on you and say "I hate this" directly.
11.he starts to show a sudden interest in your appearance, perhaps giving compliments or asking about your weight loss/gain.
12.he becomes overly protective of you, as if he's afraid that someone else might steal you away from him.
13.he starts to act jealous even when there's no reason for it, constantly checking up on your whereabouts or who you're talking to online/socially.
14.he suddenly becomes more affectionate and clingy than usual, possibly seeking constant physical contact with you.
15.he shows signs of insecurity by questioning your love for him or expressing fears that you'll leave him for someone else.
16.he makes an effort to impress others around him by showing off his wealth or accomplishments in front of them (and possibly also in front of you).
17.the way he talks about relationships changes - he may start idealizing the concept of love and relationships while simultaneously criticizing yours with him.
18.there is a change in his sexual behavior towards you; either becoming more aggressive/ demanding or pulling away completely without any explanation.
19.there is a marked decrease in communication between the two of us - conversations become superficial and lack substance over time.
20.his body language says it all - avoiding eye contact during conversations, not facing their partner while they talk etc., these are all subtle yet significant indicators that something is amiss.
标签: 出轨老公