








10.I want to be a gentle person, because I was once treated with gentleness by someone and deeply understood the feeling of being treated with gentleness.

11.Average people dry your soul to the point where there is no moisture left before they can make you shine like a star.

12.—Do you know why I'm still like this?—Because it's something you understand, but you're just lazy.

13.Time does not forgive anyone; nor have I ever forgiven time.

14.In reality, there are no cold people; only that warmth isn't directed towards you.

15.When we post updates and share photos on social media, it's not to tell someone what we ate or did or who we're with; it's not even about showing off for others' approval either. It's so that one day when we're old and sitting around doing nothing, we can look back at our stream-of-consciousness diary and remember the good times spent with friends in the past... proving that this world has seen me come alive and lived a life full of meaning.

16.From my childhood perspective, all I see is your back as far as the eye can reach, tending to clouds and sheep along a path leading to kingship.Your eloquent wind brings floods while alleyways logic penetrates deep into hearts,you summon me to become your son and i follow you becoming father.

17.The true charm of a person: It's not how well-liked they are from the start; rather how much affection remains after years of knowing them.It's not how quickly their presence captivates others but rather how much respect persists over time.Nor is it having an unforgettable first encounter but instead enduring through trials & tribulations saying "it was worth meeting you".

18.The wind may blow up an entire sheet of white paper but cannot blow away a butterfly because life’s strength lies in defiance.

19.People would rather pay attention to some mediocre actor’s eating habits than delve into an ordinary individual’s tumultuous inner world.

20.Water runs slowly when deep ; words flow calmly when spoken tardily.Saying (doing) something requires ability whereas keeping silent (not saying) demands wisdom.: Love yourself - The beginning of eternal romance: Endure more insults than praise: Have a heart set on losing weight yet possess lips eager for indulgence