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Yang Jian's classic quotes remind us that poetry is not just about words; it is about emotions and experiences shared by all humanity. It transcends time and space to connect people across generations. In an era where technology dominates our lives more than ever before, these timeless words serve as a reminder of our roots in history while encouraging us to look forward with hope for a better future.

In conclusion, Yang Jian's classical phrases offer invaluable insights into his unique perspective on literature and life. They highlight his appreciation for natural beauty (as seen in "Water Chanting"), historical responsibility (in "Night Anchored at Cowherd Island"), self-reflection (through "Poetry is Life"), educational ideals (as expressed in "Language is the Best Weapon"), cultural preservation (in his meticulous research), among other aspects.

These reflections from Yang Jian’s work evoke feelings that resonate deeply within readers’ hearts – reminding them that even though they may be far away from their homes or memories from times past; there always exists an enduring bond between individuals through language which unites them across generations.

In essence then; Yang Jian’s writings represent an extraordinary combination – where he shares his personal experiences & perspectives alongside reflecting upon China’s rich cultural heritage & its impact on society today – hence making him one such individual whose contributions have helped shape modern Chinese literature!
