









10.no matter how unfortunate you feel, there is always someone less fortunate than you.

11.no sweat and no tears, no success.

12.defeating oneself is the most tragic failure; defeating oneself is the most precious victory.

13.one person must have confidence before they can inspire others with it.

14.when you cannot leap from the first floor to the third, do not forget to take the stairs. Remember that great success is often not achieved overnight but must be broken down into smaller steps and implemented gradually.

15.turn pre-game anxiety into pre-game planning!

16.those who are determined will find a thousand ways; those without determination will only see a thousand obstacles.

17.failure belongs to things, never people.

18.the loss of money causes little damage; the loss of health causes much more damage; and losing courage loses everything.

19.a person's success does not depend on their intelligence but on their perseverance: Never give up! Keep at it!

20.the most important thing for a young person is an increase in personal value.

21.without resilience, there can be no hope.

22.pursuing recognition from others or society while striving hard only becomes apparent once one has actually achieved something: then one realizes that one need prove nothing to anyone except oneself.

23.no education can compare with adversity.

24.the stage of life may open its curtains at any moment; what matters is whether you are willing to perform or hide behind them.

25.to believe in oneself is the secret of success.

26.if you want to succeed, remember this: start with zero assets, honesty first, learning secondly, politeness thirdly, diligence fourthly and sharpness fifthly.

27.it's not about never falling down but getting back up each time after falling down that makes us truly proud of ourselves.

28.only those who participate get their names on the scoreboard!

29.what we should be proudest of isn't never falling but every time we get back up again after having fallen!

30.the world will pave way for those who set goals and have vision!

31.any limitation begins within yourself!

32.start trying! In this process you'll have to let go many things but understand they aren't what you ultimately desire - trust that once successful they'll return better than ever!

33.without sowing seeds there can be no harvest; without effort there can be no success; without trials there can be no honor nor glory nor triumph!

34.you must sell yourself 100% to yourself!(www.lz13.cn)

35.to avoid regretting your life later because opportunities were missed - seize all chances available for change now!

36.whether starting late or early in life - just don't stop afterward!