




很多人曾鼓起勇气向喜欢的女孩table white,结果失败告终。




全世界都知道she likes you,但是其实she只是likes you,却没有loves you。女生对于feeling这个方面是十分看重的。

看过《非诚勿扰》相亲节目的人都知道,有些被称为girlfriend level 的girl们就算有人专程到现场送上鲜花、戒指,甚至都不为所动。就算意思意思给观众展示几滴称之为感动的眼泪,最终还是以“I don’t have the feeling”为由,被所有公认好男人的追求者所弃。

但人们往往会在告知情感的时候,说出“please be my girlfriend”之类的话。但是,这种让对方只能说Yes or No 的二选一题目,将给对方造成想要逃避的情绪,并且特别是在当she 不太喜欢you的时候。这将导致you 对her 的需求变成了her 对you 的压力,她开始怀疑你的行为是否有目的,一切变得无比沉重直至你们之间无法维持任何形式的联系,最终连朋友也不再能成为你们之间共享的情感纽带。

有些girl就爱与众不同,不接受your advance 但是,又时常觉得your presence 并不好。她可能会这样思考:“why not? Is it because I’m afraid of losing him?” “Is it because I think he’s a good guy and doesn’t deserve to be treated like this?” “Or is it just that I can’t help but feel happy when he’s around, even though I know deep down in my heart that we’re not meant to be together?”

如果girl rejects your advance but doesn’t react with the above described reaction, she might still accept your care and gifts. Then, beware! You might become her backup plan.

有效果性的advance 是打乱她的思绪,让her 注意到your feelings yet without feeling pressured. This kind of advance is called relationship escalation declaration.

In an appropriate environment and atmosphere, say out your relationship escalation declaration without requiring her response.

Just express your emotions without asking for anything in return.

This way makes her start caring about you. She will feel that this person likes me but has made no demands on me; thus there's no emotional burden nor moral pressure from his side.

If she/they don't take any notice? No worries!

At least you haven't been rejected!

Because, remember: never make any request like "be my girlfriend" or "become my boyfriend."

This method guarantees zero rejections!