10.My heart beats for you, my feet follow you through the vast earth and sea, my hands hold your happiness as we walk, my eyes watch you remain beautiful forever, I am happy to love you, willing to accompany you to grow old slowly!
11.my life is not a simple one: it's been filled with laughter and tears, but none of that matters because I have found someone who makes me feel complete.
12.everything about us is ordinary except our love which is extraordinary.
13.you are the sunshine that brightens up my day and the moonlight that lights up my night.
14.you are the melody in my song,you are the rhythm in my dance,you are the beat in my heart,you are everything i ever wanted,you are everything i need.
15.i don't want anyone else but you,i don't want anything else but your love,i don't want any other place but where we stand together,i don't want any other time but now when we're together like this.
16.your touch ignites a fire within me,a flame that burns so brightly it illuminates every corner of my soul.your kiss sets off fireworks in the sky,a spectacle of colors and light that never fails to leave me breathless.
17.there will never be another person like you.in fact there has never been anyone like you before.now or ever.will there ever be?i doubt it.
18.the way i feel about u,u can never imagine.u r more than just a friend.u r more than just a lover.u r more than just an acquaintance.u r irreplaceable,u r unique,u r special,u r amazing.
19.i'll take all of ur memories good bad or ugly cuz they make up who u R &who u R 2 me & who i am 2 u & who WE R 2 each other
20.the world may change around us,but our bond remains unbreakable.a bond forged by years of shared laughter,crying,sleeping,& waking.up.together.
21.even though we've grown apart geographically,it feels as if nothing has changed between us.at least not yet.and hopefully not anytime soon.
22.wherever life takes us from here.ur hand in mine.is home.without ur presence.by ur side.is paradise.on earth.within heaven.is utopia.in eternity.is nirvana.in infinity.is endless bliss.forevermore.together.always.and only.always.withyou
23.there's no better feeling than being loved by someone who truly understands what love means.to them,and therefore,to everyone around them.because they show their feelings openly without fear.of rejection.or judgment.or hurt.from others.
24.i know some people might think our relationship is strange,bizarre,eccentric even.but hey.as long as both parties involved.r comfortable with how things.r going.then why should anybody else matter?
25.sweetheart,no matter where fate leads us.from here on out.just remember.i'll always cherish.the moments.we shared.the laughter.we cried.the adventures.we had,the dreams.we chased,the memories-we made,&the future-we built.together.as.one.