扎克伯格:从校园CEO到全球富翁的传奇之旅,Facebook的 IPO 引发千层浪。作为硅谷领军者,Facebook在投资人眼中的热度,让人不禁回顾五年前谷歌(Google)的上市盛况,其市场表现将成为近十年美国高科技产业发展的里程碑。










俄罗斯投资商DST、PayPal联合创始人的彼得·塞尔也是主要赢家的他曾是第一位对facebook进行投资50萬美金。此外还有Greylock Partners、Meritech CapitalPartners和Elevation Partners等都是早期支持者的他们各自持有不同大小份额的地块。而华人首富李嘉诚也因为其早前的150萬美金购入stockholdings而受益良多

对于Why Facebook seeks to go public, some also point out other reasons., such as the need for transparency and compliance with US securities laws, which require any company with over 500 shareholders and assets exceeding $1 billion to file regular financial reports with the SEC.

The internet has become a dream carrier.

In 2010, the film "Social Network" brought his rags-to-riches story to a global audience., based on Ben Mezrich's book "The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook; A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal," telling the story of Mark Zuckerberg's rise to fame.

Zuckerberg's experience is similar to that of Bill Gates in many ways., earning him the nickname "Gates II." However., he seems not fond of this title.. He once said., "Respected [Bill Gates] for what he achieved in IT industry... What makes me different from Bill Gates? Microsoft was built on Windows and Office.. My dream is carried by the Internet."

In his IPO letter,, Zuckerberg wrote that creating Facebook wasn't just about building a company but about fulfilling a social mission - making the world more open and connected.. In this regard., he has succeeded.

According to Time Magazine in 2010,, Zuckerberg was named Person of the Year because he had completed an unprecedented task: connecting over 600 million people worldwide into one social network - equivalent population-wise only next after China & India combined.

As stated in their prospectus,, Facebook aims at connecting all these netizens together globally.

Zuckerberg was born May 14th, 1984 in New York State into a Jewish family where his father was dentist & mother psychologist.. At age ten when given first computer time spent most hours thereafter teaching himself programming skills by eleven began taking computer science courses at local university while being called 'prodigy' by professor upon first appearance at class.

From early age showed natural ability for creating simple user-friendly software like Zuck Net (for father's dental practice) or Synapse (music player tracking habits), AOL & Microsoft expressed interest but were rejected both times before entering Harvard University fall semester in '02