








10、友情比爱情可靠,姐妹比男人可靠,这世间最宝贵的是 sisters like us.



13、好 sisters, let's not hesitate any more about our decisions! Let's stand by each other and face whatever life throws at us!




17., 人这一生总会经历离别,但有些离开,却又无法弥补。那些突然发生的情感断裂,如同永远失去了某个人一样,使人的内心变得空洞无物。但记住,无论何时何地,如果有一声“回来”,一切都会重新开始,从此后将不会再见面,但愿那一刻早已埋藏在彼此的心底之中等待释放...

18., 一声 “sister” 大于整个宇宙。一声 “sister” 就足以支撑整个星系运行下去…

19., "八"字玲珑可爱,“八”拜交好,“八仙过海”,三八节即将到来,以此“三八”祝您妇女节愉快!

20..I respect your choices, but I just want you to know that once upon a time, we were sisters who said things we knew but never spoke out loud.

21..I have someone who loves me, someone who cherishes me – my sister! One voice of sisterhood is enough for a lifetime!

22..We don't often have New Year's celebrations together, but we always share new days filled with happiness and joy! Wishing you every year and every day to be full of blessings and delight!

23..As the years go by since your wedding and the birth of your little one, I've been thinking about whether you're happy or not as my only sister... My heart feels guilty for not truly understanding you...

24..They say that after ten years of sailing on the same boat or after a hundred years of sleeping side by side in bed, then what? We are going to spend eternity as flower siblings growing together forever!

25., Good sisters need no apologies nor gratitude; they understand each other unspokenly.

26..I am waiting quietly for the moment when all prayers will rise up in this world; may your most brilliant dreams come true on this special day.

27., The warm sun hides beside me while birds shyly accompany my flight - what can better describe our bond? Happy Sister Day to dear friends! May there be endless joy & fortune surrounding everyone!

28..., Hand-in-hand through thick & thin: You are my brother/sister; I am yours - how long has it been since we last contacted? This message carries my heartfelt wishes for health & success in all aspects of life from afar.

29.I just want to walk alongside you forever...Sisters (www.lz13.cn)

30.Love what makes you happy yourself instead of relying on others' gifts.

31..., though unrelated by blood or love ties strong enough among strangers yet boundlessly close like family members without being fish in water yet inseparable souls

32..., when riding public transportation don't squeeze too closely with others leave space even if its just an inch give room also at work school learn grow alike

33....In your heart I'm still an unruly child whenever telling u something exciting always met with cold water maybe i'm not mature enough intelligent enough but why limit growth?

34....Birthday is like a song sweet melody means extending ur life beautiful tune expresses heartfelt wishes dearest mom wish U: Happy Birthday feeling relaxed healthy

35....You forgot about me through words actions sing uniquely echoing across time letting memories pass over doors again longing deeply for existence

36....On festive fireworks almost filling sky timing ,in mind sincerely congratulating wishing eternal sunshine happiness !