希望睡前可以轻吻你,希望睡时可以抱着you hope to wake up and see you! Always hoping, until forever.
8 今夜寂寞如海,现在相思成灾。对你的爱已化成这片寂寞的海。想你的心已让你的影子在脑中泛滥成灾!
9 人们需要其实不多,一杯清水,一片面包,一句“I love you”!不过如果可以给我多一点选择,我希望水是you pour, bread is you give “I love you” is you say!
10 用my old melancholy's passion and childlike loyalty.
11 爱是一只船,在时间长河中飘扬,我是划桨者,你是我导航;宽容做帆,我们一起乘风破浪;理解做桨,我们前进力量;信任做方向盘,我们航行爱旅程!
12 永远不要对我有破口大骂的话,因为you said I am your most cherished person.
13 好女人就是值得一个人用一生去读的一本书因为认识到这个事实,我才发现这句话正确了!
14 没有一种服装比起your love more fit me,没有一种装饰比起your love more charming.
15 以为没有you 我能坚强一个人,最终知道 I'm not able to do it by myself
16 周末和me together do some housework! I like two people pulling up their sleeves, doing things while singing, the feeling of it
17 亲爱的是现在's me like a fish living on land; always need you to give me oxygen! Without you, I can't survive! Forever in love with you!
18 对not sorry 老婆,i was wrong; from now on all listen to yours, never make angry at again
19 青翠柳丝怎能及your hair碧绿涟漪怎能及your eyes 有时 i look at the jade photo of your bedhead; it seems that the whole world is permanently immersed in beautiful spring light
20 你看到的是just the real me!! A kind of endless sentiment!! Sentimental about this world having us as its most beautiful existence!
21 我不允许you use cold water wash because women are inherently yin; cold water will increase yin so must use warm water
22 原来有一分贼纯的情情搁俺面前,不知咋' let go of this thing!At that time, o think about o care about it if heaven could give o an empty moment o would tell that girl: O miss her so much!
23 每个下班后尽量回家吧 public affairs need entertainment old lady also needs attention
24 你就是my hardest time's that one who always supports my person
25 老婆 for being able to give happiness i must work hard
26 我不允许you get up earlier than me don't waste words let u sleep u just sleep sleep well then eat what i cook for breakfast
27 亲爱is my heart like a tide wave loving u not regretful; my heart like fire flames seeing u makes waves ; my heart like sunlight loving u not deceived ; darling i already fell in love with u !
28 在this sentimental season总will think of U this good friend不知道 U recent condition deep bless U happy as expected .
29 好好照顾自己i don't want wait till next life before come back to luv U .
30 我不允许u ignore me,you're so important in my mind without U i feel uncomfortable please don't torture me ok ?
31 在crowd search for U just like picking up all sand grains by sea pick out ur trace if unwilling but wish there be reincarnation .