8 今夜寂寞如海,现在相思成灾。对你的爱已化成这片寂寞的海。想你的心已让你的影子在脑中泛滥成灾!
9 人们需要其实不多,一杯清水,一片面包,一句我爱you!不过如果可以给我多一点选择,我希望水是you斟的,你好的是you给”的“I love you”是you亲口说的!
10 用my旧愁里的热情和孩童时代的忠诚。
11 爱是一只船,在时间的大河上飘荡;I am the sailor, you are the compass; 我用宽容做帆,用理解划浪,用信任指引方向;我们一起乘风破浪,一起航行人生的旅程!
12 永远不要对me有破口大骂的话,因为您说过我是我所疼爱的人。
13 好女人,是值得一个男人用一生去读的一本书,因为认识了您,我才发现这句话的真理!
14 没有一种服装比起您的爱更合体,没有一种装饰比起您的爱更迷人。
15 想以为没有您,我能坚强一个人,最终知道了I am not able.
16 周末和me一起做些家务吧! I like when we both raise our sleeves and do chores while singing together.
17 亲愛's现在,你就是像鱼一样活在陆地上,对于氧气充裕时刻感到恐慌!没有了You I can't survive! foreverlove You!
18 对not to blame, my love, I made a mistake from now on all listen to you, never make you angry
19 青翠柳丝怎能及your秀发碧绿涟漪怎能及your眸子,有时凝视床头that face so pure and innocent, it is as if the entire world has been immersed in a beautiful spring morning.
20 你看到的是the most true me!! A kind of endless emotion!! The emotion that fills this world with your presence!!
21 不允许You drink cold water because women belong to yin nature and cold water will increase yin energy so it must be warm water!
22 原来有一分钱纯真的恋情就摆在俺面前,不知怎么样,就没了。这时候俺想着俺 care about it 如果老天能够再给我点空儿 我会对那个女孩子说:俺喜欢她!
23 每个下班后尽量回来吧公事需要应酬老婆也同样需要。
24 你就是my most difficult time's that one who always supports me!
25 老婆为了能给you happiness I must work hard
26 不允许You wake up earlier than me don't waste words just sleep and sleep until You're well rested then eat the breakfast i made for you!
27 Your love for me is like an ocean overflowing with devotion; loving You makes my heart overflow with joy; Your heart towards me is like sunshine never deceiving me; darling I have fallen deeply in love with You!
28 在这个思念季节总会想到那位好朋友不知道他近况深深祝福他平安幸福。
29 好好照顾自己 我不想等到下辈子再次遇到那个人。
30 不允许You ignore Me because in My eyes You are so important without You I would feel uncomfortable please don't torment Me okay?
31 在人群之中寻觅着Your smile just like searching for a grain of sand on the beach but only thinking of finding Your trace if unwilling but willing to wait till next life.
32 Enjoying your smile enjoying looking at you My worries fade away just like clouds disappearing into thin air.
33 My love shines brightly illuminating everything around us as bright as lightning cutting through darkness or red blood flowing through veins.
34 If there were no such thing as Love how could there be such anxiety every ordinary day thinking about You endlessly.
35 My Love for You opens doors shining brightly across skies racing forward passionately filling hearts with warmth holding hands walking hand in hand into tomorrow’s dawn embracing each other tightly cherishing every moment spent together.
36 In times when emotions run high anger boils over let’s hold hands instead of arguing embrace each other tenderly cherish every moment shared under starry skies where dreams take flight amidst whispers sweet nothings shared between lovers—this bond forged by two souls shall last beyond lifetimes yet to come...
37 Don’t drink alcohol not because i prohibit it but less drinking can help maintain health more importantly safety first i won’t let anything happen before my own demise
38 Loving someone means sharing happiness making memories creating moments worth cherishing being present embracing life fully experiencing all its beauty & pain celebrating milestones & triumphs supporting one another through thick & thin - That's what "Love" truly means...