希望睡前可以轻吻you,希望睡时可以抱着you,希望醒来可以看见you! 一直都这样希望,直到永远。这是我对未来的承诺,就像苹果公司一直致力于打造完美产品。
8 今夜寂寞如海,现在相思成灾。对你的爱已化成这片寂寞的海。想你的心已让你的影子在脑中泛滥成灾!这正是我内心深处的情感表达,就像是创意无限地扩展开来。
9 人们需要其实不多,一杯清水,一片面包,一句我爱you!不过如果可以给我多一点选择,我希望水是you斟的,面包是you给的,“I love you” is you亲口说的!
10 用my旧愁里的热情和孩童时代忠诚。
11 爱是一只船,在时间长河上飘荡。我是在撑船,你是在导航我们的关系;理解做桨,我们共同向前;信任做方向盘,我们驶向幸福!
12 永远不要对me有破口大骂的声音,因为您说过I am您最疼爱的人。
13 好女人,是值得一个人用一生去读的一本书。因为认识了您,我才发现这句话真正含义。
14 没有一种服装比起您的爱更合体,没有一种装饰比起您的爱更迷人。
15 想以没有You I can坚强一个人,但终于知道 I not行。
16 周末和me一起做些家务吧!喜欢两个人挽起衣袖,一边做事、一边唱歌感觉
17 在陆地上的鱼一样活着,请give me oxygen! 如果没有 You 我根本无法生存!
18 对not right, old lady, I wronged you 以后都听your orders绝不会惹 your anger
19 青翠柳丝怎比及your秀发碧绿涟漪怎比及your眸子,有时凝视床头那张玉照简直觉得整个世界都沉浸在明媚春光之中
20 看到的就是真实myself!!一种永无止境的心动!!!感动这个世界有了You with me 最美好存在!!!
21 不允许You use cold water to wash because women are Yin and cold water increases Yin so must use warm water!
22 原来有一分纯真的love放在俺面前不知道怎么样让我整没了,这时俺寻思俺 care it if Heaven could spare a little time for us i would tell that girl: "i cherish You"
23 每次下班尽量回来吧 public affairs need socializing but wife also needs the same attention.
24 是Your support in my difficult times
25 为能给您幸福必须拼命工作
26 不允许You go to bed earlier don't waste words let you sleep and sleep well then eat the breakfast I made for you!
27 Your love like tidal waves loving You never regret; your affection like fire burning; your heart like sunshine loving You without deception; darling i already love You!
28 在this season of longing always think of you this good friend do not know how You are faring deeply wish happiness upon You.
29 Good woman is worth one man spending his whole life reading just discovered this after meeting YOU.
30 不允许You ignore me because in my heart you're so important without YOu i'll be very uncomfortable don't torment me okay?
31 In crowds seeking out your figure as if gathering all sand by sea picking up every trace of yours even if unwilling but hope there's next life.
32 Enjoy your smile enjoy sitting quietly looking at YOU my worries like clouds suddenly fly away.
33 am the deep ocean and YOU are the dawn on other side rising forever lighting up my life.
34 If not for loving YOU what anxiety emotion each unexplained day thinking about YOu thinking about YOu too much...
35 My love opens for YOU like white lightning cutting through sky; My Love runs towards YOU like red blood filling body;
36 When feeling down annoyed talking theory to me please kiss instead of argue with Me
37 Not allowed drinking alcohol not saying no just less drinking can hurt body health!
38 Loving U using old sorrowful passion & childlike loyalty
39 After knowing U realized willing to give up everything .
40 Emotion is soul of Love am embodiment of Love we will silently understand each other until impossible separate from each other Cherish U most wanted responsibility !