






8 今夜寂寞如海,现在相思成灾。对你的爱已化成这片寂寞的海。想你的心已让你的影子在脑中泛滥成灾!

9 人们需要其实不多,一杯清水,一片面包,一句我爱you!不过如果可以给我多一点选择,我希望水是you斟的,面包是you给的,“I love you”is you亲口说的!

10 用旧愁里的热情和孩童时代的忠诚。

11 爱是一只船,我们用宽容做帆,一路乘风破浪;理解做桨,我们划动前进力量;信任做方向盘,我们航游爱旅程!

12 永远不要对我有破口大骂的话,因为you说过了,我是your 最疼爱的人。

13 好女人,是值得一个男人用一生去读的一本书因为结识了,你,我才发现了这句话正确!

14 没有一种服装,比起your 爱更合身,没有一种装饰,比起your 爱更迷人。

15 想到没有you时,也许能坚强一个人,但终于知道了,即使勇敢,也还是需要你们这样的支持。

16 周末和一起做家务吧!喜欢两个人挽起衣袖,一边做事、一边唱歌感觉。

17 亲爱now, your 是my everything! 如果没有您,就像鱼出水一样无法生存!

18 对not, old wife,i was wrong,everytime all listen to you, never make angry again.

19 青翠柳丝怎比及秀发碧绿涟漪怎比及眸子,有时凝视床头玉照简直觉得整个世界沉浸明媚春光中

20 你看到的是最真的me!! 一种永无止尽感动!! 感动这个世界有与me存在!

21 不允许喝凉水,因为女性本属阴性凉水增加阴气必须温水!

22 原来有一分贼纯love搁俺面前,不知咋弄,让俺整没了。这时俺寻思着俺在乎它,如果老 天能再给俺匀个空儿,要对那个girl say: "i care about her!"

23 每日下班后尽量回家吧公事需应酬old wife 也同样需!

24 你就是困难时支持my person!!

25 老wife,为能give happiness work hard for it.

26 不允许比起来别废话,让sleep sleep until wake up good eat breakfast i make for you!!

27 如潮汐般,对于yours; 如火焰般,对于myns; 如阳光般,对于ourns;

28 在此思念季节总会想起yous this good friend不知近况深祝福happy life.

29 好好照顾自己else I'll wait till next time come back to love yout.

30 不允许不理me,you in my heart so important without me not at ease don't torture me ok?!

31 在群里找yous like grasping sand on beach eager to find your trace if not willing but hope have another life.

32 喜欢yours smile like watching yout quietly worry gone away with cloud-like anxiety each nameless day think of yout a lot want see yout so much

33 我am the deep sea,your the dawn on other side of sea forever light my life

34 If no because loving yout every anxious emotion each ordinary day think of yout a lot want see youts so much

35 My love for you as white lightning flash through sky; my love for you as red blood fill body;

36 When bad mood angry times kiss me instead arguing with me .

37 Not allow drink alcohol not tell drink less can drink too much harm health!!

38 Love is happiness thinking of happiness waiting examination habit cherish pain gentle touch look enjoy hug romantic have YU happy!!!

39 After knowing YU realize can pay out willingly .

40 Love is soul emotion I am embodiment YU and Me will heart-to-heart mind-to-mind inseparable till difficult parting apart Love You most responsibility!!!

41 Look clock go round watch return home watch time fall down use simple loyalty accompany YU till end world change still stay lonely harbor long distance await reunion time!!!