Never let a selfish man break your heart. Remember, the pain is not in his heart but in yours. So, pick yourself up and move on.
When a man tells you it's time to part ways, don't be sad or worried. Instead, smile and say, "I've been waiting for this moment." Then walk away with your head held high.
Know when to wear what.
Don't worry if no one sends you flowers on Valentine's Day or your birthday. Use that money to buy a beautiful gift for your parents instead.
Don't spend 24 hours thinking about one person alone. Share some love with family and friends too.
Reward a kind man who appreciates you with just a gentle smile.
Avoid physical fights with men at all costs! First, you might not win; secondly, any man who hits you must be crazy! So why bother?
8., Happy women are those who can fight: first-class women fight for their charm; second-class women fight for their skills; third-class women rely on luck; fourth-class women lean on connections.
But I am my own best connection.
9., If someone captures your heart within the boundaries of propriety, tell them how you feel – even if there may not be an answer at all times but avoid regret later (or maybe they will regret it more).
10., Dress elegantly every day as if going out would bring different smiles to people around you.
11., As long as the sun rises over the eastern sea and sets over the western mountains each day – whether filled with worries or joys – do not get stuck in small troubles like digging into an ox horn!
12., I am not easily swayed by anything that makes me act differently from being myself.
13., Treat yourself well enough to buy comfortable sleepwear without worrying about revealing too much skin.
14., Wear clothes of substance and find men of quality (www.lz13.cn). He doesn't have to be handsome but should make you feel safe and happy!
15.. Women remember: always eat well play hard sleep well drink well — once exhausted — don’t let other girls use our money live off our homes sleep in our husbands date our boyfriends raise our kids!
16.. If a man starts neglecting you, leave him behind without hesitation! A careless lover isn't worth cherishing nor should he continue receiving your tender feelings and love!
17.. Give due importance to work! Work may cause less excitement than love does but at least guarantees food on table shelter above head whereas uncertain loves won’t offer these so strive diligently!
18.. Under any circumstances never speak ill behind others' backs - unless compelled then speak good words only
19.. Even when some guy says something embarrassing forgive him - A forgiven lover will eventually regret losing such understanding girl friend
20.. The ones we once gave up or they gave up us call late at night after hanging up switch off phone & go silent - It’s neither because we’re cruel nor because post-breakup cracks cannot heal completely though mended still aren’t original so just let go