








10.start to pick on you and say "I hate this kind of thing" directly.

11.his behavior is more selfish than usual, he only thinks about his own feelings and needs, without considering your feelings at all.

12.he becomes more possessive or jealous than usual, constantly checking your phone or computer to see if there are any suspicious messages or activities.

13.he starts to avoid intimacy with you, saying that he is tired or busy when you want to hug or kiss him.

14.he becomes overly protective of you, always worrying about your safety even when there's no need for it.

15.he starts to make excuses for not spending time with you, saying that he has work-related things to do but in reality he's doing something else.

16.you notice a change in his body language around other women; he might lean towards them more often than before or find excuses to touch their shoulders/arms/hands frequently while talking with them (it may seem like an innocent act but trust me it could be a sign).

17.the way he talks about relationships changes; instead of discussing the importance of commitment and loyalty as before now suddenly they become distant memories which don't matter anymore accordingly from what I've seen after observing some men who had been experiencing such behaviors due possibly because they have found someone else who makes them feel wanted & needed!

18.your friends start noticing these changes too! They might tell you that your partner seems different lately – less interested in conversations involving personal matters related directly back towards himself?

19.there are moments where the guy tries really hard NOT TO BE FOUND OUT by engaging into acts meant specifically designed so no one can ever suspect anything bad happened between him AND another woman—AND THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SEE!

20.at last:if nothing else works out yet still feels right then most likely this person will probably end up being unfaithful just because THEY CAN'T HELP IT OR RESIST THE URGE WHEN THEY FEEL THAT WAY!!