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20.building great things means taking risks and being willing to take them.

21, in your innermost depths lies an ocean of potential, waiting to be tapped into when you look back upon your journey, you'll realize it's absolutely true.

22.god says: ask for what you want and it shall be given unto you, but first pay the price!

23.time waits for no man; neither does opportunity!

24.wherever you are standing now doesn't matter as much as where you're headed! So keep moving forward!

25.change your environment or change yourself - that's the only way to make progress in life.

26.set no limits on yourself and watch how far-reaching your possibilities become! The sky's the limit if only we believe!

27.obstacles are stepping stones to success - don't let them hold you back! Keep pushing forward!

28.in the darkest moments lie hidden stars waiting to be discovered by those who persevere through adversity.

29.be not content with being average - strive for excellence in all aspects of life!

30.sweep away dirt from both inside and out, just like sweeping away dust from one's heart!

31.don't dwell on sorrow or pain - act immediately towards change and growth!

32.the greatest product any individual can sell is themselves; before selling anything else successfully to others, they must first sell themselves convincingly.

33.it was not until after he had lost everything that he realized his true strength lay within himself.

34.any limitations we impose upon ourselves are self-imposed.

35.those who have never failed may never have truly succeeded either.

36.from two tiny seeds springs forth a forest vast beyond measure!

37.reflection on our weaknesses fosters growth toward greater success.

38.the greatest joy comes from achieving what everyone thought impossible!

39.a couple united in purpose can turn mud into gold!

40.making money is easy compared with cultivating wealth-generating ideas – cultivate wisdom before wealth blooms!

41.success isn't something one achieves – it's an ongoing process of striving towards betterment.

42.believe in oneself: faith makes us capable of more than we ever imagined possible!