8 今夜寂寞如海,现在相思成灾。对你的爱已化成这片寂寞的海。想你的心已让你的影子在脑中泛滥成灾!
9 人类需要其实并不多,一杯清水,一片面包,一句“我爱”!不过如果能给我多一点选择,我希望水是you斟的,“面包”是我给的一定“I love you”是一句真挚的话!
10 用旧愁里的热情和孩童时代的忠诚
11 爱是一只船,在时间长河上飘荡。我是撑船者,你是导航员,我们用宽容做帆,一路乘风破浪;理解做桨划动前进力量;信任做方向盘航游爱之旅!
12 永远不要对我有破口大骂的声音,因为you说过我是我所疼爱的人
13 好女人,是值得一个男人用一生去读的一本书因为认识了you,我才发现这句话真正含义
14 没有一种服装比起your love更合适,没有一种装饰比起your love更迷人
15 想象没有you,我能坚强一个人,但终于知道我没法
16 周末和me一起做些家务吧! 我喜欢我们两个人挽起衣袖,一边干活、一边唱歌那种感觉
17 亲愛의现在,就像是一个活在陆地上的鱼,你总是在场时才能呼吸到氧气! 如果没有了You, I无法生存! I forever Love You!
18 对不起老婆,我错了,以后都听从您的,每次惹您生气绝不会再犯那样的错误
19 青翠柳丝怎比及Your秀发;碧绿涟漪怎比及Your眸子,有时凝视床头You那张玉照简直觉得整个世界都会沉浸在明媚春光之中
20 你看到的是,最真的me!! 一种永无止境的情感!! 感到这个世界有You与Me,这个最美丽存在!!
21 我不允许您用凉水洗脸,因为女性本属阴性,用凉水会增加阴气,所以必须用温水!
22 原来有一分纯粹的爱情摆放在俺面前,不知怎么样,使俺整没了。这时俺寻思着俺关心它,如果老天能再给我点空儿,我会对那个女娃说:俺稀罕她!
23 每个下班后尽量回家吧,对于公事需要应酬,而对于老婆也是同样需要。
24 你就是my most difficult time's that one person who always supports me.
25 老婆,为能够给您幸福,要拼命工作
26 不允许您出门比我早别废话,让您睡就让您睡,看好好休息起来吃I cook for you!
27 您对My heart like the tide,Love you not regret; You against My soul like fire,see you just flood; You against My mind like sunshine,love you not deceive;宝贝,i already in love with you!!
28 在这份思念里 总会想到You this good friend 不知You近况可好 深深祝福You快乐如意。
29 好好照顾自己 我都不想等到下辈子再来Love You.
30 不允许您无理取闹,您在My heart so important without You i will be very uncomfortable don't torture me ok?
31 在人群中寻觅着Yourself,就好像在海边捉住所有沙粒急於找到Yours trace if unwilling but hope there is reincarnation.
32 喜欢Yours smile喜欢静静看着Yours my worries as clouds suddenly fly away.
33 我am the deep sea and Yous are the dawn on the other side of the sea Always shining on my life.
34 If it weren't for loving Yous every anxious moment would pass unnoticed each ordinary day i think about Yous thinking about Yous thinking about Yous too much.
35 My Love opens up to Yours like a white lightning cutting through the sky; My Love runs towards Yours like red blood filling my body.
36 When im in a bad mood and being rude to me please kiss me instead of arguing with me
37 不允许喝酒不是因为不要喝酒少喝点更好,不喝可能伤身体!
38 Loving yout is happiness Thinking of yout is joy Waiting for yout is a test Remembering yout is habit Cherishing yout is painful Kissing yout is tender Looking at yout is enjoyment Hugging yout romantic Havingyout makes me truly happy!
39 After knowingyouth i realize how easy it can be to give up everything for someone special
40 Emotionis your soul I am your embodiment,you & Me will share our hearts together until we can't let go,your support & understanding make everything worthwhile Thank U 4 Being Such A Great Lover!!!