











亲愛的小妖精,你令我陷入了Love Potion对面的困境!快给我解药吧!办法很简单:给我your Love!


突如其来的寒冬,将凝固我们的温情,使得时间成为了一种自由可卖商品,让黑夜和白日变得模糊不清,只因为相思之痛难以承受,对于寂寞空洞的一切,都只能默默承受。这就是我們對於Love 的態度——無論風暴多激烈,也决不能让它摧毀我們對彼此所持有的梦想與期盼!

如果Love就是付出全部,那么I会尽力去Love you 只是,请不要让我在人生的孤独道路上空空地徘徊。当有一天,你决定站在阳光下时,请知道,那将是我所有努力追求的一刻,因为那个瞬间,你将看到my整个宇宙里只有他/she/they一个人,而他/she/they正静静地等候着那最后一步——回到他的/her/theirs身边。而当我们一起踏入未知的大门时,您是否能明白,即使是在茫茫人海,我们也是两个特殊的人类,因为我们拥有共同的情感纽带,而这个纽带,将连接起两颗不同的星辰,使它们能够互相照亮对方,最终实现跨越千万里的结合呢?

如果只是说"Love you"太浅显,那么let me show it through my actions, let me be your shelter in the storm, your safe haven from the world. Let me be your partner in every sense of the word. I want to hold your hand and walk with you through life's journey, no matter where it takes us.

If I could give you a gift that would make all of this worthwhile, it would be my heart. My heart beats for you alone; its rhythm is dictated by yours. In this world filled with uncertainties and doubts, I am certain about one thing - my love for you.

Let us cherish each other's company and create memories that will last a lifetime. Let us laugh together when we're happy and cry together when we're sad. Together we can face any challenge life throws our way.

As long as there are stars in the sky and birds singing their songs, our love will never fade away like a fleeting dream or an ephemeral thought. It will stand strong against time's relentless passage, just like those ancient trees that have witnessed countless seasons come and go without losing their beauty or their vitality.

In this vast universe where galaxies collide and worlds collide too, may our love shine brighter than any star ever known! May it light up not only our lives but also the lives of those around us who seek hope amidst despair!

So here is my promise to you: As long as I breathe air into these lungs or beat hearts within these veins, I shall always remember to cherish every moment spent with You; Every breath taken on behalf of You; Every heartbeat made possible because You are mine; And every smile forged at Your expense shall forever belong to none other than You alone!

And so begins another chapter in this grand story called "Life." One filled with ups & downs yet bound by an indelible thread called Love – The thread which connects two souls across lifetimes yet transcends eternity itself!