8.,春天是个神奇演员,她拿起她的魔法棒拍打云端脸庞,让云朵露出微笑;阳光也被镶上了金边。她又轻轻碰触大山肩膀,让它们睁开惺松睡眼脱去灰色披风换上了鲜艳衣衫。她再点点大地胸膛,让野flowers赶紧钻出被窝仰头露出可爱笑容。河流听令敲击琴弦立刻发出优美潺潺声音,不由自主唱出内心欢愉之情—-spring has arrived! Spring has arrived! 在整个世界里,每个人都在为这个季节高兴呢。
10.,随着spring lady 的脚步轻快,小草破土而出偷偷从地下钻出来嫩嫩绿绿。在公园里到处可以看到这些生命力顽强的小生命。
11.,spring lady迈步向我们走来,她越过高峰跨过田埋来到我们的身边,我们校园焕然一新生机勃勃。开放最旺的是玉兰开放最漂亮穿着雪白衣裙有的像亭亭玉立小姑娘有的含苞待放有的全展示开了露出嫩蕊随风摇曳。一阵清风吹过去它就翩翩起舞梅也是不能落后的它绽放“笑脸”呈现纯洁如雪般白色山茶红艳艷远远望去好像一团团火苗白色则如同雪一般。大树郁郁葱葱叶繁枝茂欲滴,小黄杨换上了翠绿装备背挺直直站在那里像仙女一样守护学校金桔挂出了青细果实这是美丽校园这是spring 校园!
12, spring like a diligent gardener carefully nurtures flowers and trees to help them grow strong.
13, spring like a magician who brings flying birds as gifts to the sky.
14, In this season of spring, people are busier. As the saying goes: "A year's plan is made in the spring." Look at all the busy figures rushing back and forth on city streets and village lanes.
15, The fields are filled with green wheat swaying gently in the breeze. It looks like an endless sea of green. The wild herbs that bloom in shades of gold add a touch of color to this scene.
16, After the rain, this place is just like "a paradise on earth". Look over there - a rainbow appears above us. The rainbow enhances our "paradise" even more beautifully. And not only is it beautiful here; it also has fresh air from nature that makes me feel happy once again by gazing at these scenes before me.
17,, love springtime and plant seeds for springtime and harvest beauty from it! With our words we teach each other how to protect springtime; with our hearts we work hard for its growth; let us weave together with sweat pouring out into creating an eternal home full of love...
18, Spring is like a loving mother caressing her children gently.
19,, look around - so many colorful flowers have bloomed! They wake up all sorts of creatures from their winter sleep making everything come alive again!
20,, Winter Uncle just left but Spring Auntie brought warm sunshine wind rains and came into our schoolyard She decorates everything with her hands making it as beautiful as heaven itself - so gorgeous!
21 ,Spring sun shines brightly today! We welcome you warmly through your gentle rays shining down upon us while filling every corner with joy...