1、 一个好女人爱上一个坏男人,不是因为他的谎言可以欺骗她,而是她明白坏男人心中真正的脆弱。男人的脆弱和女人的安慰,就像一朵凄美的花,在荒芜的沙漠中绽放,吸引着所有过往的人。
2、 有人说,婚姻是爱情的坟墓,再美的婚姻也敌不过生活中的油盐酱醋。事实上,爱情成为婚姻的坟墓,是因为两个人都失去了对曾经爱情深深的情感追求,那些如胶似漆的情意,如同被风吹散了的大海波浪,只留下了一片寂静。
3、 很久没有去好好地爱一个人了,等到心灰意冷,等到灰飞烟灭。再生的爱情在悄然来临的时候,我们总会大吃一惊,就像冬眠多年的动物突然醒来,它们不仅忘记了外界,还忘记了自己内心最真挚的情感。
4、 一个好男人爱上一个坏女人,不是因为她才貌出众,而是因为她的狡黠正好安慰了一颗孤独的心。岁月会把好男人变坏,因为坏女人不断的苛求,使得好男人在本能中增加了抗争,这就像是一场无声无息的地震,让世界变得更加复杂。
5、 她不爱你,就算你为她呼天抢地泪流满面,为她流尽鲜血肝肠寸断,她也不愛你。这可能让人感到绝望,但也许这就是命运安排的一种方式,用假象来迷惑我们,以此证明这个世界并不是那么黑暗和残酷。
6、 不要逼她忘记永远不能忘记的人,woman对memory's deepness just shows out how much she hopes for love, even though we know that two people who are in love will eventually part ways and leave each other with a lifetime of regret. However, life teaches us that because we cannot forget, we create even greater and deeper regrets. I won't forgive such a foolish woman; she is not worth our pity; all we can say is that she is pitiful.
7、 Maybe this world doesn't need love at all; two people who don't really love each other end up together until the end of time. On the other hand, those who truly loved each other often fail to stay together. Their story becomes a memory, but this memory is only self-deception.
8、 Love does not need promises; they will make you wait until your heart breaks. Time becomes meaningless when it comes to promises turned into hatred. So many tragedies begin with promises and end in betrayal. Those who make promises can only look back at the distant past on a sunny day or by the sea or against the vastness of human existence and finally say: "No matter how far I travel through mountains and rivers, I have never been able to bring back my broken promise."
9、 At first, love cries softly then slowly learns to smile later becoming unable to cry or laugh again due to habituated thinking making one person indifferent towards another person while making another person indifferent towards oneself.
10., If you could choose again, would you still choose me? The answer would be no because once upon a time there was a man so deeply in love he waited for her until dawn while she simply rolled her eyes without any emotion at all.
11., If you want others to trust you then you must believe them too This phrase has been said so many times yet remains as true as ever We always demand from others yet forget ourselves why they do not trust us
12., A moment's silence alternates with night after night turning into an endless river pulling along all memories without direction One rainy scene falls onto pages of March like white ash on old parchment paper bleached yellow fading years Quietly in the depths of night one soft moonlight shines through window panes stars twinkle brightly longing falls down left hand turns into loneliness right hand turns into yearning
13., Having someone understand you is happiness This person may not be perfect but they can read your mind walk into your soul understand everything inside You're lucky if someone understands you completely They'll always be by your side silently guarding against any slight injustice True lovers won't say much about loving but will do lots for it
14., Pain isn't caused by others but by yourself Your cultivation isn't enough nor do you have sufficient endurance You insist on seeing simple things as serious complex issues That way life will hurt more Learn to let go put aside some supposed thoughts face everything naturally allowing everything unfold freely That way life will become easier for yourself
15., Give women these instructions: Always check yourself believing yourself beautiful Dressing up beautifying themselves their lifelong right Reading books Not for elegance Just keep them company Working Independently earning food dignity Love Following intuition No relation with living morals Sex Body smaller than emotions bigger than vanity Marriage It's some kind of lifestyle Children Joy Believe yourselves