1.我曾经是三分钟热度的专家,每天有1440分钟,所以因为你,我每天都在全力以赴480遍。 2.你可能像星辰一样从天而降,也许像落叶般从林间飘来,但最美妙的方式,是和我一起坠入爱河的奇迹。 3.现在,亲爱的,你是我心中的公主,等你长大,你将成为我的新娘子,而当我们年老时,你便是我的恩爱伴侣。 4.世界上万事皆苦,但你的存在,就是我生命中唯一的慰藉! 5.自遇君后,生活不再艰难了,无论风暴还是细雨,都变成了甜蜜的情景。 6.深海虽然不会因一杯沸水而迅速加温,但不是因为短暂激情才喜欢上的你,而是因为你成为了我想要与之共度时光的人选。 7.我对你的感情,不仅仅是因为你的某些特质,更是在于享受和你共处时带来的幸福感。 8.从前,眼前的那个人就是我的心上人。而今,将来,只要有你陪伴在身边,即使白发苍苒,也能找到生活的意义所在。 9.错过了青梅竹马,再避开那些初恋情愫,如今人生的价值,便只剩下与你的岁月相随。在漫长的人生旅途中,与君同行已足够。我一点都不后悔没有在最佳时刻遇见你,因为此后的日子才真正属于我们两个人的故事。
10.my love for you is like a cup of water, constantly changing temperature - hot to cold, and back again - never willing to waste even a moment with you.
11.you are the reason why i am here, the one who makes every day worthwhile.
12.together with you, the sky seems bluer, the wind fresher, and everything around us more beautiful than ever before.
13.my feelings for you are as unpredictable as the weather - sometimes hot and intense, other times cool and distant; but always worth cherishing.
14.don't be sad about it; just like a kite needs wind to soar or dolphins need an ocean to play in, we have each other now.
15.i want everyone in this world to know that you are my favorite person on earth - something that no amount of candies or stories can buy or earn.
16.i wish i could shrink you down into a tiny doll so that nobody else could ever take your place in my arms or heart.
17.from your eyebrows down to your lips and from your teeth all the way up inside me...every bit of joy comes from loving someone as precious as you are by their side forevermore!
18.every mountain range i climb is because of our love story; every sunrise I chase after is because we're meant for each other!