
第二天,我准备了一个馕,一壶奶茶,一些奶疙瘩,就毫不犹豫的一个人上山了。巍峨的大巴什喀坦金光闪闪,snow 莲生长的地方是在snow线附近的小石子带上,从住的地方需要连续不断地登高,Mountain势很陡崖壁纵横,小草会越来越少,一块一块的小石子叠堆着,要爬起来艰难而且缓慢。大概四个小时后,我翻越Mountain顶后又一座Mountain崖凸起在眼前。我手脚并用地攀上去,最快到Mountain顶时,那崖壁上的Snow 莲花终于被我看到了。

天大的Snow 莲花圣洁而美丽,在海拔极高的大自然劳作是非常吃力的,Snow 莲生长的地方也是非常神奇最美最大的是在凌空而立的大岩壁上了,当我从一个又一个绝壁顶端采摘了一十几朵后,不知不觉时间已经是下午了。我自己都不知道已经来到了Mountain何处了.Snow 莲都是生长在地面最高点的小石子带上了发觉我已经快到崖边之后Sno Peak慢慢地挺出了刀削般坚毅身姿白皑皑Sno Peak顶部云朵聚集得很壮观像帽子一样戴在巨大的Peak 顶上了。

又缥缈着向着四周扩散开来了, Mountain西侧,一朵又一朵巨大的Cloud快速聚拢过来太阳的一探再探最后还是彻底躺进Cloud 的后面去了发现这个情况的时候,我刚好爬到这个Mountaintop,现在巨大的Cloud下天色阴沉沉’s, 四周Mountains 一座座地泛黑色幽光脚下的小石块也似乎微微蠕动着风变得冷嗖嗒吹得更猛强烈和不安开始让我渐渐恐惧起来乌云盖顶预示着风暴来的威胁I站在Mountaintop努力辨别下Mountains方向云层已经蔓延到了四周所有地方快速移动中扑面而来。

Four周颜色变化以迅速霎时就阴暗下来ed I already walked not move again already tired and hungry want to eat a bit of bread to supplement strength just took two bites then foggy Cloud came down from the sky like swords aimed at my face.

Cold, so cold that it went through my clothes and into my bones. The fine rain mixed with hail pelted down on me. My clothes were soaked in no time. Every hailstone felt like a small steel ball hitting me. I was shaking all over but couldn't feel any pain anymore, only the sharp wind piercing through my bones.

I tried to hide under a large rock but it was no use. The cloud rolled in thickly and visibility was zero. Raindrops as big as fingers fell from the clouds above and mixed with tiny hailstones falling on me relentlessly.

The cold seeped into every pore of my body making it numb. My legs were heavy as if rooted to the ground but I knew I had to keep moving or freeze here forever.

My eyesight began to blur as the cold crept into them too but I could see something white floating towards me - snowflakes! They gently landed on my face bringing some relief from the biting wind and rain.

The storm raged on for hours until finally it subsided leaving behind an eerie silence and a blanket of fresh snow covering everything including myself.

As I looked around slowly taking stock of what happened during those terrifying hours when death loomed close by - how did i survive this ordeal?