6.人生中,比起青春来,再可宝贵的事情实在没有,但是也最容易消逝……谁能保持永远不变的是 青春,那就是伟大的一个人。--郭沫若
7.白发无凭吾老矣!青春不再汝知乎?年将弱冠非童子,学不成名岂丈夫? --俞良弼
10.anything new in life begins as a small seed, and all new things are precious because they hold infinite vitality that grows into giant trees and becomes powerful forces.
11.young people should never stop exploring, never lose the curiosity of youth; otherwise, life will have no meaning.
12.those who truly hope for a "wide and beautiful" life must create it themselves, hand in hand with those working tirelessly to build unprecedented achievements.
13.can I waste my youthful vigor seeking ease? Can I turn my attention to pleasure and fame at the approach of old age?
14.now it's your turn! Take action on our bodies, looking forward! May you be greater and happier than us!
15.use today well to create tomorrow's development; don't be content with today's situation without effort.
16.many people pay the price of happiness for their youth.
17.optimistic people remain forever young.
18.you cannot have both the happiness of youth and knowledge about it; for youth is busy living while ignoring understanding; while knowledge seeks self-discovery but is too busy to do so.
19.may Chinese youths break free from coldness, only striving upwards without listening to those who say "give up". Do what you can do, speak out if you can speak out - even if only a tiny light like a firefly in darkness - don't wait for torches or candles.
20.my dear young friends, how lofty your ideals are! Striving after truth no matter whether alive or dead... Don't look back or give up!
21.to cherish time wisely: http://www.li96.com/lizhimingyan/
22.classic quotes: http://www.li96.com/lizhimingyan/