7.白发无凭吾老矣! 青春不再汝知乎?年将弱冠非童子,学不成名岂丈夫? --俞良弼
10.any new birth in the world is just a sprout, all new things are precious because they hold infinite vitality growing into giants and power.
11.young people should not lose their sense of curiosity and ambition for life after reaching adulthood, or life will be meaningless.
12.those who hope to live a very broad and beautiful life should create it themselves by working together with those who are bravely building unprecedented great things in this world.
13.i cannot accept a dull and declining life when i am young and strong, nor can i aim at pleasure and fame when old age approaches.
14.it's time for you to take action! Move forward on our bodies now! May you be greater than us!
15.use today wisely to create tomorrow's progress; do not stay stuck in the past or waste your efforts on dreams of the future while neglecting what you can do now.
16.many people pay for success with the happiness of youth.
17.optimists remain forever young
18.you cannot have both youthfulness and knowledge about youthfulness at once, because youth is busy living while ignoring understanding; knowledge seeks existence but is too busy seeking itself out.
19.wish Chinese youths would cast off coldness towards others only go aheadwards without listening to those who talk down on them - if one has some heat let him light his lamp before others' eyes - even though he were but little more than a firefly yet could give light in darkest night without waiting till lamps were lit
20.ho there young man! How lofty are your ideals! You aspire after truth no matter whether alive or dead; don't look back don't despair!
More inspiring quotes: http://www.li96.com/lizhimingyan/