在某个特别的人出现之前,我们都只是在追逐梦想,但当那个人出现在你生命中,你会发现这个世界 suddenly becomes so much brighter, just like a rainbow after the rain. ——《Love is Strange》
Don't say 'not now', not even for a moment, because in the grand tapestry of time, moments are all we truly have. ——《The Grandmaster》
I must leave now and turn at the corner, but please don't watch me go as if it were nothing more than a passing cloud on a sunny day. ——《Roman Holiday》
The most distant distance isn't between life and death, but rather standing right before someone you cannot utter those three words to: "I love you." ——《A Christmas Wish》
Misjudging the timing can lead us down different paths; meeting the wrong person at the right time may be our youthful passion, while meeting them at an opportune moment may become our lifelong commitment – marriage itself might be built upon these missteps of timing and fate.
My beloved is no ordinary hero; one day he will ride on seven-colored clouds to take me away from this world – I've guessed correctly about what lies ahead yet fail to predict how it all ends.
We each live within our own pasts; people spend one minute getting to know another person, an hour falling in love with them, then days cherishing their memory only to spend lifetimes trying to forget that special someone.
If there's ever a day when my longing becomes too unbearable and I ask you directly whether you hold my heart dearer than any other's – no matter how reluctant your answer might be – do not tell me truthfully who holds your heart closest.
9.Among countless towns filled with numerous taverns stands one where she walks into mine alone.
10.I understand that there are people waiting for me out there though I'm unsure who they're waiting for; simply knowing this brings me boundless joy every single day - as seen in Titanic.
These quotes remind us of love's unwavering power amidst life's challenges & complexities! What does true love mean to each of you? Feel free to share your thoughts by leaving comments below!