



“妈妈知道我车子不见了吗?” 我一见到爸爸就赶紧问。我从爸爸的表情就知道惨了。

这一次不同于以往,我不是飞速奔跑,而是在墙边跪下,用颤抖的声音询问:“是不是因为那个头?不要戴那个帽子!” 然后听到了母狮子的怒吼:“你如果不要改装那台摩托车,不要那么高调,满街的摩托车他不偷,他干嘛偷你的!”

那是我耳膜爆裂、双腿酸痛的一整个夜晚。我看着白色的墙壁,这是爸妈好不容易才买的自己的房子———I knew my parents were carrying a heavy burden, and they had to work hard to buy that car for me. I spent a lot of money on it too... I stared at the wall, as if the gray-white paint was filled with my regret...

I learned that lesson when I was young: don't use jumping to grab things. That's why I never jumped high again after being scolded by my mom so many times.

From then on, every time I had one thousand yuan, I would spend no more than three hundred; I never did anything beyond my ability. From small motorcycles to heavy bikes, from minivans to large houses and SUVs, each step followed a plan until finally getting the sports car of my dreams.

Occasionally, however, I still feel lost or uncertain about whether to secretly raise up on tiptoes again in life. But then Mom's voice echoes in my ear once more: "Don't jump."

That day, walking into the living room - this is the first house mine - before me is a big window overlooking an expansive view outside: green fields far away and people going about their lives... This really is a dream house come true for me after renting public housing for seven years. My mother bought it for us while working hard under financial pressure.

I know it's because of all those efforts that have been made with determination and perseverance - something earned through sweat and tears over time.

Then came tears streaming down uncontrollably without reason but felt happy crying like this myself! It was just because thinking back over all these years since childhood...

And now as you look out your own window tonight from your very own home - perhaps feeling some sense of pride knowing what you've achieved?