如此好的机会,却让segment failed to seize. 演话剧和拍电视剧之间差距太大:话剧偏重夸张,而电视则更贴近生活。他用演话剧的心得去拍电视,就自然失败。这次导演无奈地动用替身才蒙混过关。
灰头土脸地完成拍摄后,对于枪战镜头完全失误,没有一个合格的镜头,让导演只好动用替身才能蒙混过关。这次失败让segment realize that he wasn't good at acting, but he was bad at shooting.
So segment went to learn how to shoot. He learned the basics of shooting from scratch, including cleaning and disassembling guns. At first, his hands were stiff and his arms were awkward, but with practice, he became more comfortable holding a gun and aiming it.
Segment's newfound skill paid off when he landed a role in the film "Zhang Yugu". In this film, there were many scenes where actors had to shoot guns. Segment nailed these scenes without any problems. His performance impressed everyone so much that he won the best actor award at the New Delhi International Film Festival.
After becoming an actor, segment decided not to rely on luck or talent alone for success. Instead of resting on his laurels after winning awards and fame from his previous films, segment continued to explore new hobbies like painting and magic tricks.
He even learned how to do acrobatics by joining a circus troupe! With every new hobby or sport he tried out came increased confidence in himself as well as improved skills which translated into better performances on stage or screen.
And thus began segment's journey towards becoming one of China's most beloved actors known for their versatility in playing various roles with ease while also being passionate about trying out different hobbies outside of acting!