我们班上有个男生人称大P的特能说,一般播音时间是早自习体育快递课间插播时政要闻午间休评书连播晚自习CLASSICAL MUSIC,可每次考试他总有本事晃晃悠悠蹭到前几名。班主任拿他没办法只好让他在最后一排和我这个逍遥人一起任逍遥。
那时候大P又黑又瘦面目狰狞读英文像《狮子王》里的土狼背古诗像刚中了举的范进,真的,后来我们逛动物园猴子见了他都吱吱乱跑,他倒来劲了,拍我的头冲猴儿们介绍:THIS IS MY pet!I also didn't hide, telling him: Don't yell, look at your two aunts being scared away. -- This is the side story.
Just then, during our class together, there was one day after school he suddenly burst into song singing "My Sunshine" and I sat there sipping soda in secret; when he hit the high notes, he turned to me and asked how my throat was doing. I almost spit out water from laughing so hard; I punched him several times in anger. He just acted like nothing happened and told me my punching style wasn't tough enough.
The next day at school, as soon as I saw him, he said to me with a grin: Thirteen Sister yesterday you hit me those punches all purple already. As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves for me to see.
Later on I thought that this part of our relationship probably began from here. From then on big P always called me Thirteen Sister.
He lived in a noisy world where everything needed to make some kind of noise just to catch someone's attention - it seemed like that would prove something about himself.
I got used to it; got used to watching him put on various acts for others' amusement; got used to arguing with him over trivial matters until we were both hoarse.
We were more than classmates - we were brothers who roamed through three years of high school together - how much closer could we be?
There was once a saying that each person is an arc-shaped piece which can only perfectly fit into another arc-shaped piece if they are meant for each other. At that time I really believed this saying.
I felt more and more convinced that big P and I shared the same basic nature - simple and direct without any pretence or evasiveness.
Confidently knowing exactly what made him tick because fundamentally speaking...he was myself anyway! Occasionally when chatting with big P alone over dinner one evening (a rare moment) ...when reminiscing about past experiences while sharing laughter amidst cigarette smoke...
At one point while talking about life's twists & turns (the journey), 13Sister mused aloud: It feels as though time has passed by so quickly since graduation...it seems like forever ago since last year’s prom night… The memories flood back...
This realization brought us even closer together under the banner of mutual mockery & self-praise!
In retrospect now,
That summer afternoon before leaving Beijing
As you walked towards your apartment building
You thought back upon all these moments shared
with Big P
And yet another memory came flooding back
One evening in late autumn
you went shopping downtown
Big P had been pestering you nonstop
to go see his new girlfriend
But you knew what she looked like
so instead you did something else
you went home early
When Big P finally arrived home
he found your note left on the kitchen table
A short message expressing how much fun it had been hanging out but now it was time for them both
to move forward separately
He read your words carefully
then smiled softly
and nodded silently
With tears welling up behind their eyes
they hugged each other tightly
for an incredibly long period of time
They knew they would never forget their bond
their friendship formed over countless hours spent exploring life's adventures together