
1.游戏人生者一事无成,自主者非奴隶。 ——歌德



4.生活中甜蜜之事不可或缺,但不能屈服于它们…… ——约里奥·居里


6.真理是存在的光明,需要像瞎子一样依赖引路人。 ——高尔基

7.希望随存在而生,存在即希望,希望便是光明。 ——鲁迅


9.探索未知永无止境,是知识增长的源泉。 ——左拉

10.Past belongs to the past, future belongs to yourself alone . ——雪莱

11.Lack of will is an excuse for the weaklings . ——罗曼· 罗兰

12.The heaviest burden in life is not work, but boredom . ——罗曼罗兰

13.The more difficult life becomes, the stronger and smarter I feel . ——高尔基

14.Two types of people exist: one who wastes their lives and another who leads a meaningful existence . In the former's eyes, life is like sleep on a soft bed; they are content; while in the latter's view, life is about achieving something...and that's where happiness lies .

15.Effort is worth more than gold - Saidi

16.Will winter ever end? - Snowle

17.A person with a rich spiritual life must be someone who has lofty ideals and owns nothing material yet does not become its slave - Tao Xingzhi .

18.Before we understand what life means we have already squandered half of it - Herbert

19.Do not grieve or rage if Life deceives you! Tolerate it for now; believe that happy days will come - Pushkin

20.A person whose spirit-life is full must be someone with high ideals and master over material things yet no slave to them , someone whose only owner of material things but never their slave- Tao Xingzhi

21.In this world , man wanders as though he were an exile from afar - Ancient Chinese Poem

22.Life lasts but three months' time ; one can rage or remain calm within an hour

23.Life should be lived as a bow arrow flies straight from tip to tail bottom up all light .

24.The world has no eternal night nor eternal winter .

25.Filling every moment with profound data makes one extend his own existence.

26.Make each second count so your whole existence shines brightly like a candle flame .

27.To live for others' sake alone brings beauty into their lives.

28.Man moves through this world as fleeting white horses pass through narrow lanes unknown before disappearing suddenly gone.

29.Knowledge-seeking defines our very lives.

30.Sacrifice yourself fully to gain true living.

31.Use your spare moments wisely those who do make greater achievements.

32.Meaningful living isn't just about longevity but about how much you truly appreciate it all along the way .

33.Be willing to learn new things throughout your entire lifetime because there always remains something new out there waiting for us : Dmitri Mendeleev