10.past belongs to the dead, future belongs to yourself ——雪莱
11.laziness is not a virtue but a vice ——罗曼· 罗兰
12.the heaviest burden in life is not work but boredom ——罗曼罗兰
13.as difficulties increase, so does my strength and intelligence ——高尔基
14.life can be divided into two kinds: one is lived by those who are content with their lot; the other by those who strive for something more than contentment… The former sleep peacefully in their beds, feeling that they have attained all there is of value in life; while the latter build great things… They find happiness in accomplishment.
15.i do not prize mere quietism and comfort as an end of life—the ethical basis i call it porcine ethics.—爱因斯坦
16.will spring come again? Or has it passed forever from this world? ——雪莱
17.diligence is worth more than gold ——萨迪
18.before we know what life really means, we have already squandered half of it.
19.do not grieve or become indignant if fate deceives you! Temporarily endure anything unpleasant: believe that happy days will come.
20.a person whose spiritual life is rich and full must be a man with high ideals; he must be one who owns himself but does not let material things enslave him.
21.in this world where people pass like clouds, I am alone without companion.
22.life should be lived as though each day were divine.
23.life should be long enough for us to accomplish our dreams fully before death claims us.
24.there will never again be an eternal night nor an eternal winter on earth.
25.only someone who fills every moment with profound data prolongs his own existence infinitely.
26.make your whole life like a candle burning from top to bottom always bright.
27.to live for others means to make them live better.
28.in this vast expanse between heaven and earth, if only white horses could gallop swiftly through narrow passages before they vanish suddenly into nothingness., then how much time would remain?
29.the purpose of living lies in seeking new knowledge.
30.it's only when we give up our lives that we truly gain them back.—泰戈尔